History of EMBC
Where it all began...
On December 17, 1983, the year of our Lord at 6:52 pm at 2416 W. Finn Place in Milwaukee, WI a meeting was called to order by Reverend Joe H. Todd for the purpose of constituting the Baptist Chapel. The Devotional service began and was led with song by Brother Bickham, the scripture reading was lead by Brother Threats, and prayer by Minister Reed. After the devotional period, the Chapel’s request to be permitted to constitute and to have letters of members granted for the purpose of constituting.
The following were selected by the council and approved as presented: Council organizer with Reverend Joe H. Todd as moderator, Sister Sandra Todd as Secretary/Clerk, Reverend Fred Boyd, Pastor of Jeremiah Baptist Church and Reverend Roy Hopgood, Pastor of Mt. Horeb as Credential Examiners, and Reverend William Reed, Brother Threats, Brother Bickham all from Jeremiah Baptist Church represented the rest of the council.
A recommendation was made by Reverend Boyd to proceed with the Constituting Service after being satisfied with the credentials that were presented.
The following motions were made and seconded: a motion that the Baptist Chapel accept the recommendation to proceed and that we adopt the resolution of binding ourselves as the Ephesians Missionary Baptist Church by Sister Lorrie Todd, a motion to adopt the presented constitution and by-laws which include the Baptist article of faith, SBC 1963, and the Church Covenant as a statement of our faith and practice by Sister Phyllis Todd. She also made a motion that we elect the officers as presently serving our chapel and Sister Erma Todd made a motion that we call Reverend Joe H. Todd as Pastor of our church. Prayer and dedication for the new church was given by Reverend Boyd. The invitation to discipleship was given and four came by letter: Sister Erma Todd, Sister Sandra Todd, Sister Phyllis Todd and Sister Lorrie Todd. Remarks were made by Reverend Roy Hopgood Jr., Reverend Boyd, Reverend Reed, Brother Arthur Hopgood, Brother Bickham and Brother Threats.
The Service was dismissed with prayer by Pastor Joe H. Todd at 7:42 p.m.
Since this great day in history for reasons that please Him, The LORD has allowed for our church under the leadership of Rev. Joe H. Todd to not only grow numerically but to be an agent of change in the city of Milwaukee. The impact of EMBC is not limited to its numerical growth but our church has served as an anchor to the revitalization of the Harambee and Bronzeville neighborhoods in Milwaukee. With growth comes great responsibility and EMBC has taken this responsibility very seriously and continues to be very intentional to meet the both spiritual and social needs of humanity.
A commitment to be obedient and remain faithful to The LORD has led to EMBC grow to a congregation of more 600 members that has been committed to being a beacon light to the world.
After 34 years of leadership and the leading of the Holy Spirit, Rev. Joe Todd was instructed to pass the mantle of leadership to Rev. Raymond C. Monk. Rev. Monk has taken this baton and continued to ensure that the word of God is clearly proclaimed and explained. To ensure that the mission continues with energy and focus, The LORD gave Pastor Monk the motto WIN,BUILD,SERVE as a tool to keep our mission fresh on the minds of our parishioners. Under Pastor Monk's leadership EMBC continues to WIN the loss to follow Jesus in all spheres of society and multiple forms of media. Our immediate goal is to reach all 13,671 homes in our zip code with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our BUILD gatherings are opportunities where every man can be challenged and get encouragement, every woman can find sisterhood and every child can find safety and love. Visit our Upcoming Events tab to join us for one of our SERVE events and join us to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to the world.